Saturday, 11 April 2020


I would be lying to say that the uncertainty of Coronavirus does not get to me.  If I sit and think about it, I find it all a little stressful.  Will we make it to Ecuador anytime soon?  Will we get back to Thailand? How in the world will I get Lola?  I am even a little worried about our new jobs starting in August.  And I know I should just be thankful, we have it better than a large portion of people.  We are surrounded by family and love,  we have plenty to eat and sunshine every day.  But I guess I am only human.  I do hope that the world comes away learning some valuable lessons and had a little time to do some reflection.  We are away from our home in Thailand and realistically do not know if we will get back.  And I love our home and would hate our time in Thailand to end this way.  But I do have somewhere else to go and will not go hungry, or freeze or be alone.  I cannot even begin to imagine what it is like for people who have had to leave their homes for war or famine with very little hope of ever returning.  To go to countries that are not overly friendly towards them and try to set up a new life in a foreign country.  Not being able to speak the language, being separated from loved ones, and well a million other things that come with having to leave your country.  I really do hope that some good comes out of this crisis.  That possibly people think twice about pressuring governments not to let refugees into their country.  Instead maybe trying to help these people that have had to leave their lives and homes behind.  I hope they realise even though lockdowns are not always easy, many of us are so so lucky to have this time in our homes with our families.
Anyways, that is my rant and thoughts for the day.  On a more positive note, we are having a nice time here.  Here are some pictures of the fun and games over the last few days.

 Sebastian loving food

 Bocci balls
 The spectators
 Pancake breakfast, made by me
 The girls and Sebastian.  We are very lucky and I am very thankful to be here with so many I love.  But I do miss so many others.

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