Thursday, 2 April 2020

Espanol de Endara

The curfew began on the same day that the Endara Spanish lessons began (do not worry social distancing was practiced during the entire lesson).  Being under curfew and restricted places to go is not ideal but none of this is ideal.  This virus is taking hold like very few predicted.  It is av very scary situation and really no one knows when it will or how it will end.  I feel very lucky to have family around me, space to be in, warmth and food. I also feel very lucky to have so many talented people around me, that we can hopefully plan lots of fun activities during this time.  The Spanish lessons were a great start.

I let this post sit for the day as got busy doing something else.  Curfew has now turned into 24 total lockdown.  No leaving the house.  Nothing open.  Going to have to find many more activities.

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