Monday, 27 April 2020

Online Teaching

I had all these great plans to write how I feel about teaching and online teaching tonight.  I thought I will do it during our half-hour break.  But it is 11:32pm and I now have 6 minutes until I have to log back in and well I cannot write much at 3:40am and get up at 6am.  But I will say quickly, that even without the time difference this is WAY harder and time-consuming than being in a classroom.  Last week I turned 43, I kind of thought I might look about that age, now not a chance.  I have aged 50 years!
My days are busy chasing the most gorgeous little man around, so no complaints there. I just wish I was a little more awake for it. Here are some pictures of our last few days in lockdown.

 It reminds me of our tree in Phuket.  I just wish we had more time there now.
Only acceptable elephant riding...

 Pole dancing...
 Stroller action
The one fabulous thing is Sebastian is having a grand time and has no idea what is happening.  The bad news is we cannot get to Thailand and most importantly Lola until at least June now.  Just heard.  This is a hard time (for everyone, I know, but my blog so I am going to just feel sorry for myself for one minute!). 

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