Friday, 17 April 2020

Groundhog Day

I was not really a fan of this Bill Murray film, there is only so many times you can have a movie go back to the same day before it gets to you.  But to be fair it has stuck in my head for years and now I kind of feel like I am living it.  I suspect many people in the world feel like that.  Every day I am trying to improve on the day before and practicing for the day after.  Trying to get the perfect combination of meals, tv watching, Sebastian playing, news reading, games and family time.  I feel like in three more weeks I will have it perfected.  One thing for sure is I might feel a bit stuck in time but Sebastian definitely is not. He is getting stronger, more confident and faster every day.
 Sebastian having a video call with his best friend Lorelei
 Jodi babysitting with Kailee
 Loving our family meals

And Sebastian is having a great time.  I actually just realised that from Monday I will have to incorporate school into my day.  Maternity leave ends today and online teaching starts for me Sunday night, 9pm -3:35am, going to be great!

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