Monday, 27 April 2020

Online Teaching

I had all these great plans to write how I feel about teaching and online teaching tonight.  I thought I will do it during our half-hour break.  But it is 11:32pm and I now have 6 minutes until I have to log back in and well I cannot write much at 3:40am and get up at 6am.  But I will say quickly, that even without the time difference this is WAY harder and time-consuming than being in a classroom.  Last week I turned 43, I kind of thought I might look about that age, now not a chance.  I have aged 50 years!
My days are busy chasing the most gorgeous little man around, so no complaints there. I just wish I was a little more awake for it. Here are some pictures of our last few days in lockdown.

 It reminds me of our tree in Phuket.  I just wish we had more time there now.
Only acceptable elephant riding...

 Pole dancing...
 Stroller action
The one fabulous thing is Sebastian is having a grand time and has no idea what is happening.  The bad news is we cannot get to Thailand and most importantly Lola until at least June now.  Just heard.  This is a hard time (for everyone, I know, but my blog so I am going to just feel sorry for myself for one minute!). 

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Nine Months

He turned 8 months and now 9 months in Barbados and the difference is amazing.  He has two teeth now (almost three), feels a whole lot heavier, starting to eat real people food, standing and walking with help and every day getting more confident and more determined. Not to mention more handsome!  This lockdown has me stressed about many things, but when I look at how happy he is to be surrounded by love all day long it seems like it will all be okay.  

I would usually have a lot of slightly staged or at least perfected photos.  But these are just of him hanging out at nine months (well okay that last one might have been a little staged).

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Birthday Lock down

Well, it was different but I am very lucky that my husband went out of his way to still make it special.   But also, how could it not be special as my first birthday with Sebastian.  I was a little tired from the online teaching, which will get its own blog post once I have a couple minutes to properly gather my thoughts on the topic but all the special people contacting me made me perk up.  Luis set up several chats with people all over the world and it was so nice to hear from some I have not spoken to in years.  My only regret is that I did not get any pictures with Sebastian, Luis, or my family here.  It was just so busy!  Luckily, I seem to have a million pictures from other days so one day without any probably is not going to kill me.
 Baby group! Missing them!
 The lovely Lawsons
 International School of Basel
 Basel non school peeps!
 Bruton ladies
 Family in the UK
 Ecua family
 The fabulous five
I ended the day with a beautiful cake.  Well not ended as then I had to start work until 3 this morning...  I wanted to have some inspirational birthday words but I am too tired!

Monday, 20 April 2020

Beach Day

My last day before maternity leave we spent on the 'beach' at One Acre.  In fact, it was not even a full day as I started my online teaching at 9pm last night.  The beach was great, the teaching not so much.  I felt totally out of my comfort zone but I am on it now.  By the weekend, I will figure out how to make videos and create things for my kids.  If anything, this online learning will help me finally brush up my poor computer skills.

A different sort of beach but it was pretty fabulous. 

Sunday, 19 April 2020

Goodbye and Catch Up

Today we had to say goodbye to two members of our lockdown team, Aunty Janice and Darcy.  The Canadian embassy contacted them and pretty much said they should fly yesterday as who knows when they can again.  I was super sad to see them go, as I adore my Godmother but I am so happy we had this month together and I know it was time for them to get home.
 It does not mean they will not be missed and that lockdown will not be the same without them.
On a positive note, I did get to have a video chat with the fabulous five.  Whey we have not been doing this more over the years I do not know.  But I hope we continue to do it even when this all ends.  Love these ladies and they helped put a smile back on my face.

Saturday, 18 April 2020

Friday Feeling

I might not have had that Friday feeling but someone certainly did...

"Okay, I am ready, where are we strolling!"  
What a cool little dude.  Happy lockdown weekend all :)

Friday, 17 April 2020

Groundhog Day

I was not really a fan of this Bill Murray film, there is only so many times you can have a movie go back to the same day before it gets to you.  But to be fair it has stuck in my head for years and now I kind of feel like I am living it.  I suspect many people in the world feel like that.  Every day I am trying to improve on the day before and practicing for the day after.  Trying to get the perfect combination of meals, tv watching, Sebastian playing, news reading, games and family time.  I feel like in three more weeks I will have it perfected.  One thing for sure is I might feel a bit stuck in time but Sebastian definitely is not. He is getting stronger, more confident and faster every day.
 Sebastian having a video call with his best friend Lorelei
 Jodi babysitting with Kailee
 Loving our family meals

And Sebastian is having a great time.  I actually just realised that from Monday I will have to incorporate school into my day.  Maternity leave ends today and online teaching starts for me Sunday night, 9pm -3:35am, going to be great!

Monday, 13 April 2020

Birthday and Easter

Yesterday was not only Easter Sunday but the first birthday here in lockdown.  Laila celebrated her 13th birthday and we had a delicious all chipped in Easter lunch.
Dressed up for a dance
Having a cuddle with Granny Jill

 Jodi and Kailee
 All dressed up for Easter lunch

 Cannot believe how time flies and this one is now a teenager!
All the gang in the houses for Easter lunch.

Saturday, 11 April 2020


I would be lying to say that the uncertainty of Coronavirus does not get to me.  If I sit and think about it, I find it all a little stressful.  Will we make it to Ecuador anytime soon?  Will we get back to Thailand? How in the world will I get Lola?  I am even a little worried about our new jobs starting in August.  And I know I should just be thankful, we have it better than a large portion of people.  We are surrounded by family and love,  we have plenty to eat and sunshine every day.  But I guess I am only human.  I do hope that the world comes away learning some valuable lessons and had a little time to do some reflection.  We are away from our home in Thailand and realistically do not know if we will get back.  And I love our home and would hate our time in Thailand to end this way.  But I do have somewhere else to go and will not go hungry, or freeze or be alone.  I cannot even begin to imagine what it is like for people who have had to leave their homes for war or famine with very little hope of ever returning.  To go to countries that are not overly friendly towards them and try to set up a new life in a foreign country.  Not being able to speak the language, being separated from loved ones, and well a million other things that come with having to leave your country.  I really do hope that some good comes out of this crisis.  That possibly people think twice about pressuring governments not to let refugees into their country.  Instead maybe trying to help these people that have had to leave their lives and homes behind.  I hope they realise even though lockdowns are not always easy, many of us are so so lucky to have this time in our homes with our families.
Anyways, that is my rant and thoughts for the day.  On a more positive note, we are having a nice time here.  Here are some pictures of the fun and games over the last few days.

 Sebastian loving food

 Bocci balls
 The spectators
 Pancake breakfast, made by me
 The girls and Sebastian.  We are very lucky and I am very thankful to be here with so many I love.  But I do miss so many others.