Saturday, 1 October 2016

Weekend Antics

We have had a pretty full weekend and are now kinda liking a rainy Sunday so we have no guilt of filling the day.  Friday night we went to dinner at my deputy Principal's house.  What a house!  Right on the beach, beautiful views, oh and did I mention he walks out his back patio to the sea, amazing!

Oh and even better, and what could be better than living on the sea you ask, well... he has the greatest Indian restaurant next door and they delivered the food to our table!

 Saturday we went to our favourite restaurant, it is so fantastic and very inexpensive.  All the food seen above cost three pounds!  Now food generally is not overly expensive but this place is particularly cheap which is lucky considering we eat there at least three times a week.

We then relaxed by the pool before Luis went to his football game and dinner and I went to a school party.  We met in Patong after both events, which explains our happiness for a rainy day full of nothing!

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