Saturday, 15 October 2016

Koh Yao Yai

Today is the official first day of our half term break.  We had an extra day yesterday as the school closed to the very sad passing of the King of Thailand. The country is mourning and will be for quite some time for this man, I do not know much about him or his seventy years of rule but he must have been quite amazing to have such an out pouring of love.  The country is still operating though, hotels and businesses are still open and they still want tourists to come and enjoy their beautiful country.  This morning this is just what me and Luis set out to do, we left the house at 7am, took the car ferry to a near by island and were settled in our beautiful hotel by 10am.
 The ferry over
 We passed loads of small islands, a really beautiful trip
 Our hotel is beautiful, very different than our usual cheap as chips hostels.

 Showing off with handstands
 Picture of our lovely little villa.
Lunch, a very yummy pad thai.  For the first time since I gave up fish a few months ago, I did think about having some but resisted and will continue to do so!
Looking forward to a relaxed, hopefully sunny, four day trip.

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