Sunday, 2 October 2016

Alcohol Non Sale Times

I am not sure how long it will take or when I will get use to it but no alcohol can be sold in shops between 2pm and 5pm in Phuket.  This is rather frustrating when you have forgotten and driven all the way to the Supermarket to be denied.  And I do have those moments where you think that I could possibly go under the chains and grab something but then I remember that they will not allow me to purchase it anyways.  i 
 Unlike this lady and her friend, who snuck under the chains to grab their drinks.  I think they were feeling quite clever, well until they got to the till I imagine.  I have seen this on a few other occasions with drunk tourists.

I am not really sure what the reason is on the daily ban, I can guess it is to prevent all day binges, but not positive.  It is definitely helped me cut down on any wine purchases, now not only is it quite pricey but also I have to think about when I go.  No bad thing I reckon.

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