Wednesday, 24 March 2021


 On Saturday night we had a discussion with our friends, Pete and Sinead, about the vaccination that seemed like a far off dream.  The Bahamas only has 20 000 doses With a population of over 400 000 our chances seemed bleak.  The next batch is due in May and that is only 30 000.  But our dream turned into reality Monday afternoon and we were celebrating our vaccinations!  It all just moved so fast, teachers are recognised here as putting themselves on the line and also it is a nation of people very skeptical about the vaccine.  Both these things helped us yesterday and by 4pm we were in full celebrations mode.  I know this really is only the very beginning of a very long journey to anything that resembled our old life but it is something and I am thrilled!

Very happy people with our vaccination stickers.
And then returned home to this bundle of joy who now might actually meet some more of his family in Ecuador soon!

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