Monday, 1 March 2021

Baby Group Fun

 I am not only busy trying to establish a wine club on the island but more importantly a baby group.  Sadly, Alison will not be here next academic year and we need to have somewhere for Sebastian to go while we are at work.  Oh and sad does not even cover how devastated we are that her and Simon are leaving but they are.  We have heard a few private sort of baby/toddler day care services (basically small groups doing it under the table) and we need to get in one!  And of course, I just want to see him playing with other children and getting to know other families on the island.  I was so sad Sunday morning as it seemed like no one was going to make it and it would be a bit of a flop and then cars started pulling up.  I was so not prepared!  But we had four toddlers, one baby and it was fabulous.

They stayed almost three hours and then we all crashed for almost a two hour nap, which never ever happens!
I then took Sebastian to the botanical gardens for a run around while Luis got some work done.
And finished a perfect weekend with a walk with Bruce.  Sebastian does not get past this digger, ever.

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