Monday, 1 March 2021

Gold Rock Beach

 This is a beach on the East side of the island that we heard was rated one of the top ten beaches in the world.  I know this usually does not mean much as every country I have visited that has beaches claims this fact.  But I must say this has got to be one of the most beautiful beaches I have been too.  Not if you look behind the beach, towards land as the recent category five hurricane left disaster in its path but sitting on this huge  beach and looking forward it is fantastic.   Actually even if you look behind it is just some blown down trees and ripped up vegetation, it is just not landscaped to perfection and what does that matter.

As you can see it was very busy this Saturday... It feels like you are all alone in paradise.

One More.. Sebastian's favourite thing, which of course does not mean one more at all.  I think he got it from cousin Freda!

We are waiting to welcome family and friends once this stupid thing is over!  There is definitely some pretty great beaches. 

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