Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Friend, Family Holiday Fun

 The first few days of the holiday have been busy with friend and family time.  We are pretty much splitting our days into Garden of the Grooves and the beach.  It is heating up here and with the hotter weather comes warmer waters.   On Sunday we caught up with Axel and his parents after a morning at the Garden.  Axel and Sebastian are now playing so well together.  It took a few months but I think both of them are now understanding the joys of playing together.

They are two cutey pies that is for sure.
Sebastian was also very excited to get a pushchair for his teddies.  I could not be more thrilled as he usually makes me take two big ones out with us and gets bored halfway through (as he cannot really push them) and I have to somehow manage to get everyone home.

Sunday, 28 March 2021

Easter Holidays

 It will be no surprise that we are having a staycation Easter holiday.  It could be worse than two weeks on the beach but I will be very happy when we can go visit our extended family.  We started the holiday just as we plan to continue, with family and friends on the beach.

A great afternoon on the beach, followed by food, wine, and games.  A winning start to the holiday.

Saturday, 27 March 2021

Spot the Champagne

 We have a motto in our lady's wine club, it is sort of a secret but part of it says a wine club member must not call bubbles champagne unless it is from France.  It is a huge pet peeve of mine and I am all about educating people about this fact.  It occurred to me that I should probably prove my point therefore Thursday's wine club theme was 'spot the champagne'.  I had a secret tasting with Champagne, prosecco, cava, cheap sparkling wine, and a Californian named (illegally) Champagne.  I was super happy that almost everyone chose the champagne correctly, Alison got every single one right winning her a bottle of bubbles.  As it was Champagne night I asked all to dress up a little bit.  Everyone looked beautiful.

It was a fantastic night.  I have been hosting wine clubs for almost 15 years and I can say it never gets old.

Thursday, 25 March 2021

Golden Oldies

 One of the fab five sent me these photo's the other day.  It is funny as I think I have the worst memory but I could remember exactly where, when and why these photos were taken.  It is one the reasons for this blog, that when I am much older I can hopefully look back with many fond memories.  I do not want to lose these memories so posting them on here, most of the stories are confidential!

I think this was Amy and Ryan's 18th birthday party, could have been 17th... This was a night that the James Bond in me came out.

Amy went to University of Western Ontario with me.  Many stories here!

Jen, Amy and myself went on a road trip to Washington DC to see my father who was working there.  This was taken during a night in Georgetown with the girls.

This was the next day, which was very very painful as we got home about 5am and Dad woke us at 7am for a day of exploring. 

These pictures were taken when the fab five (minus Tracy) came to visit me in Barbados.  This was one of the funniest nights of my life, but I am sworn to secrecy!
This was taken before Amy's wedding.  What a great time we had that trip.

Wednesday, 24 March 2021


 On Saturday night we had a discussion with our friends, Pete and Sinead, about the vaccination that seemed like a far off dream.  The Bahamas only has 20 000 doses With a population of over 400 000 our chances seemed bleak.  The next batch is due in May and that is only 30 000.  But our dream turned into reality Monday afternoon and we were celebrating our vaccinations!  It all just moved so fast, teachers are recognised here as putting themselves on the line and also it is a nation of people very skeptical about the vaccine.  Both these things helped us yesterday and by 4pm we were in full celebrations mode.  I know this really is only the very beginning of a very long journey to anything that resembled our old life but it is something and I am thrilled!

Very happy people with our vaccination stickers.
And then returned home to this bundle of joy who now might actually meet some more of his family in Ecuador soon!

Monday, 22 March 2021

Food Stall Week Two

 This week was a blur as we prepared and tried to improve on our first week as food vendors.  Another very successful week, even if we are making about $2 an hour with all the effort and cost.  But I guess the Roman empire was not built over night.

We went out briefly Friday evening before the cooking frenzy continued. Not a bad view for Friday evening.
We were afraid that Sebastian would be bored here but over the last two weeks he has made some great friends with the neighbouring vendors children.

Wyatt is just adorable and they play super together.
This week we had two dishes as four almost killed us.  Lentils and Chana curry, the lentils sold out and only two portions of curry left, which was actually perfect as we needed some lunch! 

As money burns holes in our pockets, we promptly went out with Sinead and Peter to our local beach bar to spend what we could.  A lovely night out.

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Thankful for Alison and Simon

 Late Sunday afternoon we took Simon and Alison out for an early dinner (or late lunch) to say thank you for all that they do for us.  It was only a small gesture and if we really wanted to thank them properly we would send them on an all expenses paid holiday they are that amazing.  For all the things they did for Luis's mum and all they continue to do for our family, I really do not know what we will do without them.  

Luis's did look brilliant, but that is where it ended.

Although, as a side, I think they will probably not join me for a meal again anytime soon..  I just cannot stand how over priced and terrible some things are here.  This was our favourite spot and they have seriously jacked up the price but lessened the quality and quantity.  I do not know how I am not barred form most places here as I find it increasingly hard to keep my mouth shut about it!

Luckily , it was all about the company :)