Monday, 1 February 2021

Mummy/Toddler Group

 As I have mentioned I have been hunting down babies and toddlers in attempts to get some friends for Sebastian and even myself.  I put on a function at the gardens that we go to quite a bit on Sunday, I advertised it and pretty much asked anyone I saw with a child.  I was so happy that six ladies and toddlers came.  They were all between two and three and Sebastian was totally over whelmed.  I actually almost cried as he would not go any where near the kids and kept trying to drag me to the car.   When they all went for lunch, I decided we had to go as he clearly was not ready for so many kiddies and then all of the sudden he perked up.  I am so happy he did as then a Mum and her son arrived and they are almost the same age.  Sebastian and Teddy played with some cars while a few of us ate.  I was over the moon.

Sebastian and Teddy at lunch

This also made me so happy.  One of the kids trying to give him a cuddle.

I got him on the slide once or twice.

But he mainly wanted to hang back and watch.

Next time I will have it at our house and hopefully soon I will get him in a playgroup!

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