Monday, 1 February 2021

East Coast Adventure

 On Saturday we finally drove out East.  Grand Bahama is actually a very big island, even if not very populated.  We drove an hour East and would have needed to drive a further hour to reach the end of the island.  This part of the island was largely destroyed by Hurricane Dorian in 2019.  The drive is quite depressing with destroyed and now abandoned buildings and ripped down trees and vegetation.  We went out to a restaurant that we had heard about where you order in the morning and the food is specially prepared for you.  It was a great spot, beautiful and actually the first time I felt that the island displayed any real Caribbean resemblance culturally.   Grand Bahama has a very different history to the rest of the Bahamas and Caribbean.  Before the 1956's it was pretty much uninhabited and then Wallace Groves saw the potential in bringing shipping and tourism here.  Hence, Freeport was born (very short history).   Therefore, it is different and has a different feel then even Nassau, to me it feels much more North American.  But this restaurant had some good music and the owner just had that Caribbean vibe going on.  

Mos builgings on the way looked like this, although there is some evidence of rebuilding.  Covoid has obviously slowed this down, as shipping and tourism are the only industries and the Ship Yard largely has collapsed and there is no tourists.

Sebastian and his favourite sun glasses.

The beautiful but chilly beach.
The little restaurant.  We were the only ones for the day and had a nice afternoon there.

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