Monday, 22 February 2021

Half Term Celebrations

 Another holiday is here and although it is not what we expected to be doing, I can pretty much say most people are not doing what they thought they would be doing in February 2021.  Even though we all knew Covoid was here this time last year, not many correctly predicted it would be affecting us for so long.  I am now much wiser and would not be overly surprised if a year from now life had not changed that much, for us anyway.  I hope so but optimism has not got me very far.  That opening sounded much darker than I meant!  We kicked off the half-term break with some of our favourite people here in Grand Bahama.  Sinead, Peter and family had us over for a lovely swim and supper.

Sebastian loves the water, his lips were purple and he would not get out.  I do not like cold water but love him so managed to somehow get in this freezing pool.

Terribly, Sebastian is all about a photo.  I wonder if it has to do with the 21 000 I have taken of him, this is not an exaggeration.  A lovely start to what I hope is a relaxing week.

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