Thursday, 24 May 2018

Muay Thai

I am trying to get back into my forty list (well now moved to 41 list), I have picked up my ukulele a few times trying to remember my chords, I did a little tennis and now have started something new from the list, Muay Thai.  To be fair Sara has been asking me to join her for about a year now and just never made it.  But this week I started going with her and I have to say it is great fun.  Lots of exercise but also extremely social, I can see it is a great way to meet new people.  I am shocking and it is slightly unnerving as everyone is amazing but I shall stick with it!
 The gym
 Sara who is amazing!

 The poor trainers that are trying to help me.
I am determined to stick this out, I need to think of my Muay Thai name now... Anarchist Amanda, Grizzly Garwood, Laughable Leslie..

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