Saturday, 26 May 2018

Mia, Vegan and Ireland

I have had the best few days I have had in a very long time.  The Muay Thai has just been so great, therapeutic, great exercise and also I have met some new people.  Then I was super excited to see Barbados elect Mia Motley the first women Prime Minister there.  She was actually very big in education when I lived there and so happy that someone passionate about education will be taking the helm.  And last night we had Vegan Club which turned out to be one of those great evenings, where I genuinely had such a nice time.  This morning I was a little deflated to see Liverpool lose to Real Madrid but then read about Ireland repealing their abortion laws in a landslide victory.  I have been watching and reading all the pre referendum stuff and just felt it was so important for women not just in Ireland but all over that things changed there.  The only people who should be in charge of a women's body is that women, no politician or church should dictate what one can and cannot do with it.  I just feel so pleased and the hopes that the world can be a better place for my niece, God-daughters, students and well all females.
 I just love when someone else wants to be sous chef, well done Nat for helping Luis.
 Vegan club, with a couple of people we were trying to bring into our gang!  
 I just love these kiddies

 Love these ladies

 Let the games begin
And of course we have to end the night with a little dancing!  

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