Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Jacqui and a Big Crab

It is pretty lucky for Pan Bistro that my veggie blog has not taken off yet and that Phuket has it's fair share of meat eaters as it is definitely not a veggie friendly place.  Not often do I have chips for dinner, well never ever actually, but I did last night...
However, the food did not really matter as we were there to celebrate Jacqui's birthday and it was all about the chat.

What a group of lovely looking ladies.

 My initial snobby self felt like a restaurant with a large plastic crab in front might not be for me, and I was right.  In future I will continue to avoid places with big plastic structures in front, well maybe if it was a piece of broccoli or something but defo not a crab.
Happy happy birthday to one special lady.  Not just a great friend but she is on environmental mission to save the world, we definitely need more like her!

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