Thursday, 25 January 2018

She's Back!

There were definitely many times in the last 11 days that I thought we would never get here.  Poor Lola Cola has been through hell and back in the last week, but I am happy to report that she is dong much much better.  She is still only 70% of her usual self but compared to a week ago this is amazing.  Her liver still has some repairing to do but I feel confident now that she will be okay.  This is some well needed great news, not only for us, but for everyone I work with (as would have gone off the rails) and most of all the vet clinic that almost killed her as I would have most certainly burnt it down.
On her road to recovery Lola has been super cuddly, I am hoping that this new trait sticks but I am not holding my breathe.  I am so happy to have my girl back.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear that Lola is doing well. I've been checking everyday for updates and was getting worried. May the healing continue. xx
