Friday, 12 January 2018

Mum and Dad's Funerals

I thought there were no pictures of Mum's funeral or none that I could find anyways.  And I know it might seem morbid to want some but I want pictures of both, I want to remember the days and who was there etc. etc.  But I was wrong, a very good friend of both our parents, Ed Wrobel, took loads of pictures of both funerals and before we left gave me and my sister a memory stick of each.  I flicked through them briefly at home but really have had more of a chance to now.  They are just what I wanted and so happy to have them.  I just wanted to put a few on here as Mum's funeral was before blog time.
 The fab five (and crasher) almost 16 years ago at Mum's funeral.  I always say we look exactly the same and then saw this and realised that at least I do not.
 Dad and his very good friend Tom who was very supportive of me and my sister during my Dad's sickness and death.
 These are some of my University friends who I had totally forgotten came to Mum's funeral.
 As usual the kitchen is the place to be.  There are many many more but did not want to put too many on.  Just nice to have a few to look at.

 These were a couple more from Dad's (the gentlemen on my far left is the photographer).  Ed and his wife Bev have also been amazing to us during these times.
 I love this.  My father loved cow boy hats, but not anything else about being a cow boy.  One of the nurses asked me if it wouldn't be nice to put on some country western music for Dad, when he was quite sick.  I responded 'why on earth would we do that?'.  She said well isn't he a cow boy (referring to pictures around that house), which I guess would be a usual assumption if one did not know my Dad and his eccentricities.  I responded that not only was he not a cow boy but his favourite music was actually silence.
Ed also sent some great ones from the past.  This was in my early Madonna days, hence the cool ribbon in hair.
And finally one of my favourites, just sent to me today from Paddy.  Just after Dad's funeral with Nats and the Hopkins.  It was so great having them here and this is such a special picture, just what my Dad believed in peace and love.

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