Thursday, 4 January 2018

Back in Phuket

It feels so strange to be back here where everything is the same but everything is so different.  I have just finished unpacking all the stuff we brought back and it is so weird to see my parents paintings and treasured items scattered in the house.  It was hard to say good bye to our family home, but also it did not feel like a goodbye, I suspect that will feel real when the house sells.  I cannot believe only six weeks ago I was just arriving in Canada, even then I was still fairly optimistic or naive or more likely just not willing to accept what was coming.  It has been a busy, heart wrenching five months and I suspect some of the real pain is yet to come.  I am thankful to have such a brilliant sister, so many people have asked if there were problems (just from their own experiences dealing with these situations), and I can honestly say that during this horrible time we got strength from each other and just worked out everything together.   In fact, I can say I had a wonderful time with her and miss her hugely now. I am also thankful to our husbands who did so much to help during this time, we could never have cleared the house without their help, not to mention the incredible emotional support.  And then I am so thankful for Freda who gave us a reason for smiling and laughing over the past weeks.  I guess normal life needs to commence again on Monday, although I am not sure what this looks like and know now that everything has changed, my mother and now father have left a big hole in my life that can never be filled.  But I know I will cope and happiness will come again.
 A last cool sunny morning in our back yard.
Boy, I am going to miss this guy.  He was one of the greats that is for sure.  I just found this beauty of a picture, what a handsome young man he was!

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