Sunday, 28 January 2018

Beach and Garwood Movies

Finally the beautiful dry season weather has arrived!  I was so happy to have a little sunshine this weekend.  I even took Lola to the beach for a bit.  She is still not back on the crab hunting and wasn't up for a proper walk but it was nice to get her out.
 We joined Sara and Richard for a few moments on the beach.  Always lovely to catch up with them

I spent the rest of my weekend making movies..

Here are two of them.  I am now going to make hundreds!  I love them and have so many ideas :)

Saturday, 27 January 2018

Leica's Dinner and Meme Game

With Lola on the mend we were able to leave the house for the evening without total worry the entire time.  We went to Leica's for dinner and games.  Leica is not a veggie but really could be with her fantastic veg dinners.  I just don't know how some people can just make these amazing meals, and well I can't. Either way happy to eat other peoples meals.  We then played a new game that Leica bought in the States called something like 'Name that Meme'.  Considering I did not even know what a meme was three months ago I thought I did quite well.

I do just love game nights.  I really wish we had bought Dixit while we were in Canada, I may have to look at ordering it.  It was a lovely evening, hanging out with some pretty fab people.  Now the sun is shining and it is a great day to spend hanging out with Lola Cola.

Thursday, 25 January 2018

She's Back!

There were definitely many times in the last 11 days that I thought we would never get here.  Poor Lola Cola has been through hell and back in the last week, but I am happy to report that she is dong much much better.  She is still only 70% of her usual self but compared to a week ago this is amazing.  Her liver still has some repairing to do but I feel confident now that she will be okay.  This is some well needed great news, not only for us, but for everyone I work with (as would have gone off the rails) and most of all the vet clinic that almost killed her as I would have most certainly burnt it down.
On her road to recovery Lola has been super cuddly, I am hoping that this new trait sticks but I am not holding my breathe.  I am so happy to have my girl back.

Monday, 22 January 2018

House and Lola

First, Lola update.  After another sleepless night with Lola on deaths door (we got her back from hospital yesterday), Luis took her to another vet.  I just KNEW they were over drugging her, and the vet this morning said they could have killed her. So I am fuming and now hoping Lola is on the way to recovery as we have a great new vet.  Hoping to have full of bean Lola pictures on here soon.
Yesterday our family home went up for sale.  It is fairly heart breaking and actually I have not even begun to understand that it won't be ours anymore.  The one thing that makes me happy is how proud Dad would be to see how the house looks.  In the past many people believed that the new owners (whenever that would be) would just tear down the house and start again, I happen to think they are wrong.
Some of the pictures:

I have looked at them a million times.  I just wish I could see it in real life.  We do owe a big thanks to so many people who have helped us at this time with the house.  If you are looking for a beautiful house in property in the Ontario countryside, let me know :).

Saturday, 20 January 2018

More on Lola Cola

Well she did come out of hospital and we thought we were on the road to recovery.  But this morning, she looked worse than last week and I am just not sure anyone really knows what is wrong.  I drove her back to the vet hospital where they admitted her once again.  They will do some more tests and in the mean time fight the infection and blood parasite.  In one week she has lost 1.5kg, for a usual 7kg dog this is quite significant.  But we are hopeful and tomorrow if there is no improvement we will take her to another vet, that has been recommended to us.
Obviously we cancelled all our plans, well forever, and are focusing on getting Lola healthy and home.  So it was lovely to have some friends that we were meant to be going on a vegan beach picnic with bring the picnic here.  
 It was very nice to see them and all their positive thoughts and support for Lola's recovery.   Lola also has the support of many of the staff at school who have written with concern and advice.  My students do not know that she is sick and one of them (did not see who) wrote this on my board Friday afternoon.  I think it is the perfect message..

Thursday, 18 January 2018

Lola Update and Isla

Lola is doing a little better.  Luis went to see her yesterday during visiting hours, she was thrilled to see him and he thought she looked a bit perkier.  She is still in hospital but they have controlled her fever and hopefully I can bring her home tonight and we can fight these infections and parasites from home.  It is horrid her not being there, the whole place just place feels so empty!  
Also, this week Jodi and Dylan and family came to Phuket.  We did not get to see them as much as we would have liked due to our nightly vet visits but yesterday managed to meet them at the beach for a hello and meet the newest member of their family, Isla.  
 A super happy hello from Luis

 The family, with the newest beautiful addition to their family.
 River loves loves loves Uncle Luis.  Me, not so much.  But to be fair Luis has visited them twice in the last few months and he just does not remember me.
I was pretty down the last few days, so it was great to see some familiar faces albeit not for long.  I am now hoping to get my girl and have a weekend full of cuddles.

Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Lola Cola

After the earthquake, in Ecuador, we housed some teenagers from Holland that got stuck in Canoa and they told us that minutes before the earthquake they had been robbed and of course thought after this nothing else bad could happen... 15 minutes later their hostel came down on top of them. 
When 2018 struck, I felt that this had to be a better year, or at least a few months of nothing after my last few months.  I spoke too soon.  This week has been horrid with Lola having deep infections and near death fever levels that will not come down.  We have been to the vet every day and night trying to contain it and so far nothing seems to work.  I am not sure what I believe in and after the last few months it is hard to believe in anything. But I am not giving up totally on the power of positive thoughts and vibes.  So anyone willing to send some our way right now, it would be much appreciated.
At the very least she has to feel all our love for her.  Luis helping Lola at the vets on Monday.  I thought it was such a loving moment.

Saturday, 13 January 2018

BISP Family Fun Day

Last term me and Jacqui began planning a BISP family fun day at a local cricket ground.  We are determined to create more of a community feel at the school.  I did not get to continue on with the planning as obviously went to Canada and had other things on my mind.  But the show must go on and Jacqui continued to put the event together.  She did a grand job and planned a great day for the families and then the night continued with the adults having a bit of a dance.
 I knew it would be a good day when I was presented with this delicious breakfast.  I am a lucky girl.

 We then had a family walk at my new favourite dam.  Not a person there so great for Lola.

 The start of the day with the families all on the field.

It really was a great event and I hope the school ones continue.  We had a very good time, just what the doctor ordered.  Now back to report writing today!

Friday, 12 January 2018

Mum and Dad's Funerals

I thought there were no pictures of Mum's funeral or none that I could find anyways.  And I know it might seem morbid to want some but I want pictures of both, I want to remember the days and who was there etc. etc.  But I was wrong, a very good friend of both our parents, Ed Wrobel, took loads of pictures of both funerals and before we left gave me and my sister a memory stick of each.  I flicked through them briefly at home but really have had more of a chance to now.  They are just what I wanted and so happy to have them.  I just wanted to put a few on here as Mum's funeral was before blog time.
 The fab five (and crasher) almost 16 years ago at Mum's funeral.  I always say we look exactly the same and then saw this and realised that at least I do not.
 Dad and his very good friend Tom who was very supportive of me and my sister during my Dad's sickness and death.
 These are some of my University friends who I had totally forgotten came to Mum's funeral.
 As usual the kitchen is the place to be.  There are many many more but did not want to put too many on.  Just nice to have a few to look at.

 These were a couple more from Dad's (the gentlemen on my far left is the photographer).  Ed and his wife Bev have also been amazing to us during these times.
 I love this.  My father loved cow boy hats, but not anything else about being a cow boy.  One of the nurses asked me if it wouldn't be nice to put on some country western music for Dad, when he was quite sick.  I responded 'why on earth would we do that?'.  She said well isn't he a cow boy (referring to pictures around that house), which I guess would be a usual assumption if one did not know my Dad and his eccentricities.  I responded that not only was he not a cow boy but his favourite music was actually silence.
Ed also sent some great ones from the past.  This was in my early Madonna days, hence the cool ribbon in hair.
And finally one of my favourites, just sent to me today from Paddy.  Just after Dad's funeral with Nats and the Hopkins.  It was so great having them here and this is such a special picture, just what my Dad believed in peace and love.