Thursday, 22 June 2017

Year One Done

First school year complete! What a great year, what a great school and what a great place to live!  Really I have never ever worked in such a fabulous place, at the leaving assembly you could actually feel so much love in the room.  The students gave speeches about leaving teachers, the teachers gave speeches about how sad they were to go (most leaving teaching for good) and all were full of tears.  It really is just such a nice place to go to work, everyone is always smiling, it is relaxed and the kids are fantastic.  
This week has been crazy busy, I have had major passport issues and still not sure if it will be okay for me to board a plane on Monday.  I am pretty angry with her Majesty the Queen's passport office right now but it does look like I may make it out (a long story that I have been banging on about here for the past month, I think people are avoiding me now in case I go into a terrible rant about it..again).  But also busy in a very exciting way, Luis had to fly to Bangkok to get his passport sorted for his work VISA.  He has accepted a job in a boarding house here.  We are both super excited as it is a great opportunity and job.  He will still tutor as well and will hopefully start a teacher training program soon.
We also end the school year saying good bye to some lovely friends and work colleagues.  It took a little longer here to be settled with friends but good things come to those who wait!
We still wish Thailand was slightly closer to all our family and friends, and that long distance flights were not so pricey.  But altogether it has been a great Year 1.  And not just year one at the school but actually also approaching quite quickly year one of marriage!
 Just like the year started it ended with a school function at Cape Sienna.  A great way to end the year.  The beginning of the year dinner we  really only knew a couple of people so this one was a lot more fun knowing way more people.
 One of our favourite crews
 A great neighbour and friend
 Devastated to see this guy go, but excited to see Brad again in Vietnam.  Best Vice Principal ever.
 Luis and Barbara (Luis taught in her class this year)
 The ladies
 Love these people!

Good bye to Year one, time to get this summer started!  Two more hours here at the office and then the fun really begins!

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