Monday, 26 June 2017

Made it! Siem Reap, Cambodia

It was pretty touch and go for the last month and really until I got on the plane I was holding my breathe.  A sleepy start (airport time 4am), a full passport, and luckily no questions about how I would enter Cambodia we arrived at 7:30am this morning!  Very excited for our three week holiday, around Cambodia, Bali and ending with our Ecuador reunion back in Bangkok and Phuket.
First thoughts on Siem Reap, it is a small town/city with a great vibe.  I kind of suspected it would be a little bit like Bagan simply as both famous for the same reason, beautiful temples and pagodas.  But nope not the same, and I know that only after a few hours.  One Siem Reap is certainly much more built up (and that does not mean it is very built up at all, just compared to Bagan), and the other big immediate difference is you need to travel from Siem Reap to get to Angkor Wat and in Bagan you are surrounded by much smaller but much more pagaodas.  We have not been here long though so really I do not know too much yet.
 Here for an hour and we run into the BISP interns, I was so happy as Beth is leaving and I did not get to give her a proper cuddle good bye.
 We passed a sign for a vegan restaurant and hunted it down, super yummy and they let us in at 10:30am for lunch as we were so hungry.

 We got so lucky on our room (will have to post more pictures), less than $20 a night and upgraded to the roof top room where our massive patio and room is like a small apartment.  
 It was beautiful and sunny all day but then the heavens opened like proper Monsoon season.
 It was crazy rain for an hour, luckily 50 cent pints kept us busy!

 We took a Tuk Tuk to dinner, I am being spoilt with veggie options and
 we had a delicious Indian.  Off to bed early now as a long day and even a longer one planned for tomorrow, so happy to have made it here!

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