Saturday, 3 June 2017

Laguan Phuket Marathon (and other races)

Checking boxes all over the place! Yesterday was a big one for me, my first big race, big like 1268 people.  It was only the 5km but trust me a year ago I did not believe I could run 1km let along 5km.  The next one will be 10km, as it is on the list, but then I think I will just stick to perfecting 5km (taking my fathers advice who believes that our family is better at short distance running).  But then again who knows!  I really have never ever been so proud of myself.  I woke up again yesterday with a running nose, sore throat, headache and just not feeling anywhere close to 100 percent.  But I was determined to do it.  IT was a boiling hot no cloud in the sky day, most people were unhappy about it, it kinda worked in my favour as I actually love the heat.
 Me and Leica who also ran the race.

Beginning of the race, we were so far back that we did actually get to start until 2 minutes after the start!

 Lola who was meant to be cheering me on but was sticking her tongue out at me instead.

 My second medal in a week! 41 out of 768 in the gender category, 150 out of 1268 overall :)
 Looking a little worse than at the beginning
 We then went to Sean and Kim's for games and delicious Mexican.  I wsa so hungry so it was great to have dinner already for us!
 All scrubbed up!
 A disturbing game to play to say the least.  But it was great fun with some great people!  What a great Saturday!

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