Sunday, 2 April 2017

Indian and Pop Up

We had a ridiculously busy weekend, so much so I did not even take so many pictures which is very unlike me.  Friday we were invited out to an Indian dinner by lovely Leica, Saturday we had a staff BBQ to go to and then we went to a big charity event and Sunday well I lazed around all day.
 Friday curry.  Brad, Leica and me and Luis.
 We then went to see Elvis perform at a local bar.
Saturday we went to a big staff BBQ, that I shockingly took no photos at.  This is so unusual!! And such a shame!  Anyways, it was good fun and had we not booked the charity event a month befoe we would have stayed all night.
 Saturday we went to a charity event at the beach resort near us.  Ten of us went, there were loads of restaurants serving food, lots of bubbles and dancing.

 Luis loves trying food, so he was pretty happy.  He had made a list of all the things he wanted to try and checked them all off.
 Cheeky Leica
A lovely weekend.  Now we are all about relaxing before our holiday begins next week.

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