Sunday, 30 April 2017

Dylan, Cards and Root Canal

No points for guessing which was the worst part of my weekend!  Sunday night root canal, not fun.
Luckily I had a great first part of the weekend to help me get over the pain. First, obviously our dinner Friday night (posted earlier about this) was delicious but then our weekend got even better (well until Sunday night).  We had a surprise visitor to the island, Dylan (our old neighbour in Quito), who came for a frisbee tournament.  We spent the day with him on the beach on Saturday, it was so great to see him.  Made us realise how much we miss him, Jodi and River!
Saturday night we had dinner and cards with Kim and Sean.  It goes without saying who won, but just in case the girls did...again.
 Groom and Best Man reunited
 The winners, this time no victory dance, as really we are so use to winning by now!
Poor fellas...  Maybe next time we will take it easy on them.  A lovely weekend, beautiful weather, food and people!

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