Thursday, 6 April 2017

Easter Holidays..Phew!

I do not think I have ever been more ready for a holiday.  It has been a difficult, busy term full of activities, visits and illness.  We wrapped up our Airbandb after a very busy season.  I do not think I had any idea how exhausting it was until it was over.  It really is like having two full time jobs, and as I really wanted it to be perfect I think it was more stressful then teaching.  But I am happy we did it and next high season we will be better prepared as to what to expect.  On top of that I have been fighting some tropical infection for weeks. I definitely learnt how frustrating it is to be sick and no one know why.  And once again it reinforced to me how important and fantastic it is to live in a country that provides health care coverage to all.  It does stop you from seeking medical assistance if you have to worry about the cost.  Anyways, all is looking up now, I feel a lot better and hope I have kicked this tropical thing.  I have four more hours of school to power through and then that is it off for a two week much deserved holiday. 
Lola on the other hand is a little nervous as we picked up her dog sitters last night.  Cookie and Jacques will be staying at Casa Luchanda and taking care of our girl while we take off on an adventure on Monday.

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