Tuesday, 13 September 2016

The Green Bean

Introducing the newest member of our family, The Green Bean!  And why may one ask do we need the Green Bean when we have super reliable Green Machine.. well Luis is now working and it was just getting too difficult with one mode of transport.  There was the option of a bike (push or scooter), but with Thailand having the second highest rate of deaths in the world coupled with the amount of accidents we have seen since we have been here we ruled that out pretty quickly.  However, we are pretty proud that both of our cars put together cost 1/6 of what other peoples have!  Plus ours have character, the Green Machine always forward thinking and the Green Bean just likes it the old time way, so no power anything.  Further more they kinda match so that is exciting in itself!

The other and obviously more exciting news, is Luis as a Spanish tutor and also helping out with the Spanish department at our school.  He has done such a great job and is super excited about it.  Who knows maybe we will end up with two teachers in the family!
All dressed up on his first day, with his school issued badge and everything!  

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