Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Neighbours Again :)

How fabulous to have our old Ecua neighbours back as our neighbours for the week!  It is so wonderful to have Jodi, Dylan and River with us.  I just wish the weather would co-operate, it has been a few days of horrible rain.  There have been a couple sunny breaks and we are of course having a great time regardless but I do hope they see a sunny day or two.
Anyways, it has been so wonderful to see them, to catch up and learn all about their time so far in Singapore.  I am so thankful that we are still kinda neighbours, just country neighbours now. 
 Tuesday arrival in very moonson weather.
 But they are such good sports and are enjoying the pool anyways.
 Yesterday afternoon it cleared up and we had a lovely evening.  
 Luis making the dark and stormies
A few friends over for a very yummy Vietnam meal :)  
We have woken up to an even rainier day, I am just hoping the weekend clears up!

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