Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Peppers Pub Quiz

A very well known fact is my love for pub quizzes, both playing in them and hosting them.  When the dry season eventually arrives (it apparently is the wettest wet season for decades, typical really) I will work on hosting some but for now attending will have to suffice.  But that is okay, as I do love a pub and would love to make one our local.  So last night we went to Pepper's Sports Pub for their weekly quiz.  The weather was horrendous but surprisingly there was still a decent turn out, although we could have done with a few more teammates.  Disappointingly we did not win or come even close but we did win the table top round (the one you can work on the whole time), it was pretty difficult and I was very impressed with our 25/30.  
 If you cannot read it, you had to figure out famous phrases or sayings that were represtnted by the initial letters.  For example:
Y C G B O of a S You can't get blood out of a stone
Try a few!

Jacqui joined us and we had a really nice night.  But I have to say I kinda feel for Americans now.  I am not sure if it is because I have come from an American school so my accent is more American sounding as when I went to Basel from the UK but soooo many people here make snarky comments about Americans for my benefit (again at quiz last night).  It is so bizarre, not at school, just generally.  I better work on my accent if Trump is victorious (a real worry) as I image it would get far worse!

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