Friday, 25 February 2022

War, Mandy and Wine

 Waking up Thursday to see Russia had declared war on Ukraine was devastating.  Obviously, war is just terrible in any circumstance but it felt so much closer to home as Tanya is from there.  We discuss it all the time and the day before she still felt confident that Putin would not dare to try to go to Kyiv, but well we were sadly all wrong.  I saw Tanya dropping off Sebastian yesterday morning and was instantly brought to tears.  She is keeping in close contact with her mother and family but well that is little comfort I am sure.  Yesterday was also the day that Mandy flew in, so of course, I was super happy to see her.  And also wine club.  I was so happy that Tanya came and tried to get her mind off it for a bit.  It was not easy and it is well just so devastating.  How do people not learn?  Why are we always doomed to repeat history?

Just posting these pictures seems wrong.  How can anyone enjoying themselves be good at such a time?  But I do know it is what Tanya needed most in the world (well being here and unable to be with her family) at this moment.  

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