Tuesday, 15 February 2022

Half Time Killer Show

 For someone who lives in international communities, I have been terrible at joining into activities involving sports I do not know well. In fact, I think I missed out on a lot when working at Cotopaxi as I did not try to get involved with American Football and then missed out on a lot of activities.  I did not need to learn about the game, just not insult it, and then maybe I would have been invited to all the super Sunday parties they had.  I have turned over a new leaf and decided to embrace the Superbowl when Megan invited us to a party to watch it.  I did not watch anything but the Half time show but had a great time.  First, it is more about socializing, eating, and drinking, all things I am good at.  But even better the Half time show was the best ever.  Dr. Dre, Eminem, Snoop Dog, I mean really it does not get much better than that.  Sebastian and I danced through the entire thing.

Sebastian made for Megan Cash, he loves her.

I am a convert.  Well to the party, not the game.

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