Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Sebastian Starts Preschool

 I guess this is it, school from here onwards for probably the next 20 something years (depending no how long it takes him to complete his PHD of course).  We were hoping the two weeks at Sinead's would help soften the blow but no such luck.  There have been more than a few tears... from everyone.  Today at the end of day two, things seemed brighter and I am hoping by the end of the week it becomes a little easier.  I do like the little school though and happy with all their Covoid measures as most schools in the island are totally shut or half online.  Thankfully, Sebastian is in full time.

First couple of days, super sweet
Baking some vegan chocolate, no sugar treats.  

And the last few days have been spectacular.  Our beach looks amazing and the water so nice and warm.  Beautiful.

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