Monday, 6 September 2021

Busy Busy Busy

  The weekend finally came and a busy one it was.  Friday we took the Anderson's to dinner to say thank you for looking after Sebastian over the past two weeks.

The usual Banana Bay
Sinead sent me this picture Friday and I just love it.
Saturday we had a few people over for ceviche and games.

Everyone had a great time and some might have even broken curfew.
Sunday morning Sebastian and myself tried to fix the piñata I had made for Ewan's 7th birthday but it just would not dry.  It is so crazy humid here and over the last three days it just refused to dry. 
The paint would not dry either and poor Spiderman melted away.

We had to do it a little differently as we could not even hang it.

A very busy weekend and then we had to get Sebastian ready for his first day of school on Monday.  I need a break after this weekend.

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