Monday, 27 September 2021

Weekend Fun

Friday could not have come fast enough, everyone was ready for a great weekend ahead.  Friday night we had work drinks after school at our local beach bar. We then returned home to relax and catch up with Bruce.

Sebastian had a two thumbs up night and was excited for the weekend ahead.

Saturday morning was glorius and we spent the morning in the beautiful water.

Saturday evening the troops came over for beach, food and drinks.
Lola was even lively and wanting to hang out with everyone.

A great evening and the best way to spend a Saturday night. 

Wednesday, 22 September 2021

Next Picasso

 I think Sebastian will have many amazing careers and I hope we give him every opportunity to be involved and excel in the arts, sports, academics, languages and social justice movements. Not a lot of pressure for the poor lad but I do think it is so important not to pigeon hole him.  Not to the fault of my parents as I think they did what they thought was best, but I did get pigeon holed as an athlete and I wish I could play an instrument or have some other artistic talent.

Over the last few days Sebastian has been exploring the painter in him.  He has used his very own techniques using different things from the house.

He even painted with his mouth, not sure who showed him this.

This fnished project I think is amazing, he did 100 percent on his own and knows exactly what it is.  It is so clear to me what animal it is, in a very artsy way of course.

Monday, 20 September 2021

Sebastian and Axel

 Yesterday was the first time they properly engaged.  They played and shared, and didn't share and it was wonderful.  We had not seen them for sometime and really needed to put some pressure on them opening back up the only place we love to eat here.  Apparently not long now until their new place is open.  We will be the first ones there.

A winning playdate for the kids and the adults!

Beach Afternoon and Curry

Not a bad day for a beach afternoon followed by a home made curry (not that we have another option on the island!).  We had the Andersen's and two new teachers (the new Ali and Simon, as they moved into their house).  The beach was beautiful and it was a lovely way to spend the day and evening.

Another successful Casa Luchanda night, although all here look a little tired. 

Friday, 17 September 2021

Birthday BBQ

 Last weekend Luis and myself decided it was about time to leave the house together, on our own.  We were invited to a grown ups only birthday BBQ last night so we bit the bullet and hired a babysitter.  He was not as excited as we were for the evening out but he was okay (once Paw Patrol was on the entire time).  It was me and all the Latins, and it was a great night out.  Not a long one, but still a great two hours.

We even got some dancing in, which was super fun!  

Boating Sunday

 What a fantastic day!  It was our second time on a boat here and we are now two for two for seeing dolphins.  It was the perfect day.  Megan and Chris took us out on their boat and we went to a nearby cay and then did some tubbing.  It was lovely.

It is just the weekend the doctor ordered!

Blissful Saturday

 The last few weeks have been beautiful and for the first time ever really we took advantage of our beach all day.

Not a soul on the beach, not a boat in the water and not a cloud in the sky.  What a day! Even Lola went for a dip.