Thursday, 17 June 2021

Sebastian's Award

 Sebastian had his last day of school this week until he starts camp in August.  They had a small ceremony that we were unable to go to but they did send a photo.  It was hard for us to send him to school, the COVOID situation has meant we are not allowed to enter past the gate or really see what happens inside.  However, he has come home happy, is talking way more and has seemed to enjoy it.

It is funny that he got Attentive Listener as I am not quite sure that he would win an award at home for this.  But as a teacher I know children can be very different at school then they are at home.  The amount of parents I have had cry when I told them there child was super polite and friendly is at least in double digits.  Although, they are super happy to hear they are a little bewildered that they do not receive the same treatment.  Not just a few more days of Mummy and Daddy at school and we are off on holiday!

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