Wednesday, 23 June 2021

First Year Complete

 Moving during a pandemic is not advisable.  And certainly moving to a country during lock down makes it that little bit trickier.  I can assure you that there were several times when we almost packed it in here.  The transition to a new school during lockdown was not easy (never let anyone say teachers had it easy teaching online) and even harder for a new teacher.  The realisation that Grand Bahama was not exactly what we expected made it even tougher. But we made it to the end of the school year and not only made it I would say we did quite well.  We have a wonderful set of friends, Sebastian has a great group of babies and Luis made it through his first year of teaching under incredibly difficult circumstances. Teaching is not easy and your first year of teaching is pretty much torture and he not only did but he killed it.  And I would even suggest we found our feet here on the island.  Yesterday afternoon the school treated us to an afternoon of drinks and nibbles at a local restaurant.  It was a super nice event and actually it felt quite moving to have actually made it there.

Now bring on the summer. Ecuador here we come!

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