Monday, 19 April 2021

Dada's Back

 We had a great weekend, very busy with lots of activities but we were both happy to see Dada return.  Sebastian was super duper excited.  Especially when he got his new sun glasses and plane toy.  I was pretty happy too with my new pair of flip flops.

Lola sunbathing
We had a fabulous day at Sinead and Peter's pool.  Sebastian is so super confident in the water, a little over confident to be honest.  He just loves being in the water.

Sunday morning we spent at Garden of the Groves, our favourite botanical gardens.  We split a cheeky hummus before we left.  Lola also loves her walks there.
Super happy to have Dada back

Loves his sunnies!
Sebastian also loves pulling suitcases.  Here he is with Bruce taking one for a walk (slightly annoying habit).

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