Thursday, 22 April 2021

Birthday Party

 I am totally aware of how lucky I am to be here and have a pretty normal life when compared to many other people around the world today in regards to Covoid.  After being in total lockdown for my birthday last year, I appreciated this one even more.  I was surrounded by love all day and night.  I had a wonderful day with my students, and a fantastic evening with friends and family.  Luis went out of his way to make it an amazing day and it was.  

Super Alison, made all these decorations by hand, wish Sebastian.  I can barely clean a plate when I am alone with Sebastian.  She is beyond amazing.

I also had the best chocolate cake in the world.  Again made by Alison.  And it was vegan.

It was a great day/night and I feel incredibly lucky and loved.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amanda. I’m glad you had a wonderful day. Miss you! Love Ellie xx
