Thursday, 29 April 2021

Double Function Wednesday

 I very rarely have events to go to, let alone during the week.  We definitely host a lot but very rarely are hosted.  This is not a complaint really, as I love hosting and I know it is not everyone's cup of tea.  Yesterday I had a drinks function for a leaving teacher and then we were invited to our neighbour's for dinner.  Sam and Courtney live in the cottage we stayed in our first few days on the island.  Sam runs, with some others, a coral farm on the island.  A very interesting and important venture.

Of course, before both of these events there must be beach time with Sebastian.
Then out for a goodbye drink for Allison Crowe, who has finished her role at the school.

I hate being invited somewhere and then saying we are veggie.  Which I realise is a big mistake.  I was positive they knew, but turns out they did not.

Wednesday, 28 April 2021

Playdate Magic

 I am so happy that Sebastian is going on more and more playdates.  Alison has done a fantastic job at setting these up.  He just has the best days and it makes me so happy.  Yesterday he went to hang out with Lourdes (a Mexican lady in my wine club) and her two little ones.  Sebastian is about a year younger than Miguel the oldest (the other boy is about 8 months old) and he judging by the pictures he had a great time.

This year has been made so much easier with the knowledge Sebastian is under the best care while we are at work.  I love getting pictures like these ones.

Monday, 26 April 2021

Perfect Day

 The temperature is getting warmer, not only the air but also the ocean.  It is now perfect for me to go in the water.  I just cannot get over how warm the water gets here, being how far North Grand Bahama is.  I believe it is to do with the shallow waters around us, but either way it is fabulous.  I barely go in the water in other countries as I aways find the ocean/sea a bit cold but not here.  Yesterday we had people over to picnic on our beach.  Our regular crew plus a few little ones that Sebastian has met.  We met a French, Ukraine couple with a son two months older than Sebastian on Saturday at the market and we invited them along as well. 

It was a perfect day.

Latin Night

 Luis has been so happy to meet more people here that are from Latin countries.  In Thailand we had Iwisyi and Rob who are both fluent in Spanish and even though we love them loads it has been nice for him to expand that net work.  It has also been good for Sebastian to have so many more Spanish speakers around him.  For ages we have meant to some of them over to dinner.  Birthday weekend seemed like the perfect time.  It was also a stark reminder to me that I must up my Spanish speaking game.

The taco spread was fabulous, if I do say so myself.  Everyone was so shocked that there was no meat and it was still delicious.

It was a great night and the Latin were a lot of fun with a lot of dancing. 

Thursday, 22 April 2021

Birthday Party

 I am totally aware of how lucky I am to be here and have a pretty normal life when compared to many other people around the world today in regards to Covoid.  After being in total lockdown for my birthday last year, I appreciated this one even more.  I was surrounded by love all day and night.  I had a wonderful day with my students, and a fantastic evening with friends and family.  Luis went out of his way to make it an amazing day and it was.  

Super Alison, made all these decorations by hand, wish Sebastian.  I can barely clean a plate when I am alone with Sebastian.  She is beyond amazing.

I also had the best chocolate cake in the world.  Again made by Alison.  And it was vegan.

It was a great day/night and I feel incredibly lucky and loved.  

Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Birthday Morning

  It is fair to say I am one very lucky lady.  I have woken up to my 44th birthday, which I can barely type let alone say.  But yep, I am definitely in my mid forties now, no denying it.  And I am not.  A very clever man told me a few years ago, that I should not complain about getting older as it is a privilege many never have.  Every birthday should be celebrated and I love celebrating mine and others.  Back to me being a lucky lady...  I woke up to so many presents and a breakfast and singing and dancing.  I felt so special and so loved.  I then went to school and felt even more love. 

Sebastian made this fabulous card

We did a morning Happy Birthday dance
I had to open all these presents! So lucky!

I arrived at school and IB1 gave me some cookies, I love this class.  A great start to the day and now looking forward to the evening events.

Monday, 19 April 2021

Dada's Back

 We had a great weekend, very busy with lots of activities but we were both happy to see Dada return.  Sebastian was super duper excited.  Especially when he got his new sun glasses and plane toy.  I was pretty happy too with my new pair of flip flops.

Lola sunbathing
We had a fabulous day at Sinead and Peter's pool.  Sebastian is so super confident in the water, a little over confident to be honest.  He just loves being in the water.

Sunday morning we spent at Garden of the Groves, our favourite botanical gardens.  We split a cheeky hummus before we left.  Lola also loves her walks there.
Super happy to have Dada back

Loves his sunnies!
Sebastian also loves pulling suitcases.  Here he is with Bruce taking one for a walk (slightly annoying habit).