Monday, 26 October 2020

That Friday Feeling

   We had very much intended on doing nothing this weekend.  Luis has a big University project due this week and well our pocketbooks were looking very empty. But the first week back with students was so surreal we thought we needed a Friday celebration.  And as we are not too keen on going to bars right now and with Sebastian we decided to make our home the Friday venue.  We had a few more new people as we try and meet some more people.  There is an amazing coral reef restoration project on the island and Luis is very keen to get involved.  One of the founders and his girlfriend came and also a couple we met who work for the UN and their two children.  It was a very nice way to spend the evening and I think all had a nice time.

The Friday crew

I wish I had gotten more photos but my phone was the music and these two little ones were all about the dancing and Sebastian of course.  Emmi and Ewing are the children of our two new friends Peter and Sinead.  They LOVE LOVE Lola and it was nice for her to get some huge attention as sometimes Sebastian can get all of it.
How grown-up does he look here!  Where is our baby?!!  He had the best night on the dance floor.  I have not had a dance for ages and it was so nice with the kids.

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