Monday, 5 October 2020

Rainy Weekends

 I know from Barbados that October is pretty much the wettest month of the year.  What I am not so happy about is that it seems to be consistently wet on the weekend.  And this weekend was no exception.  We had lots of day plans but all got put off due to downpours and thunderstorms.  On Saturday night we had supper at Alison and Simon's, Alison did an amazing job with a superb Chinese.  Sunday, we spent the day a little miserable and wishing the sun was shining!

Went to a small cafe Saturday, a nice spot with some wonderful owners.

I think Sebastian looks so old here! Well beyond 14 months anyways.

Some shots of the kiddies.  Lola is still very disorientated and like Mum and Dad missing Thailand.

That brings us to Monday and the last week before half term.  When we go back to school it will be with real-life in-person students.  It has been a very long time since I have done that, hopefully, I remember how!

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