Thursday, 3 September 2020

The Struggle is Real

 I am brilliant at sugar coating things on this blog.  I mean I do not have it bad but I certainly do not write all the tough bits of life.  I am trying to make life at 85 wonderful when I read back and think about what a lovely life I had.  I can honestly say now though, that the struggle is real.  It sounds so stupid to complain as well we chose to come here and it is The Bahamas but it is the toughest transition I have ever had.  I am super proud of how Luis and I are handling it.  There have been a few tears all around, more from me obviously but we are getting somewhere.  The one thing I can say is that kids are brilliant, some of the nicest I have ever taught.  So I am thankful for that.  We are both also very thankful for our house and how happy Sebastian is living on the beach.

Thank goodness for these two though.  Instant friends, who joined us for a swim and a pizza last night.  The other newbies joined last night and our in quarantine now.  Hopefully, this helps us all with the tranisition.

But then there is this, and this laughter makes me feel like it will all be okay.

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