Thursday, 17 September 2020

Flying Fish Win

 Nope still veggie, but we finally found a restaurant that we can eat in and it happens to be called Flying Fish.  It probably was a sign as Flying Fish makes me think of Barbados.  We were so so excited that it turned out to be excellent as we really needed that win.  For sure, we were spoilt rotten in Thailand and even found our favourite veggie food in Barbados but the last month we have cooked more than we ever have.  This is a good thing, we need to save money and well we cook better veggie stuff.  But it is nice to have one place to go as a treat, and now we know there is at least one place we can.

Sebastian loves doing 'Cheers' and 'Salut'

We did not have a meal, just nibbles but they were delicious and the owner says they can actually do lots of off-menu veg so we were happy.

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