Thursday, 11 June 2020

The Week

Week 8 of online teaching almost done.  I will not be sorry when it comes to a close next week.  I have loved having the extra days with Sebastian but really I am tired now.  I just put together some pictures of the week.

 Mexican Monday, look how cute Dad and Sebastian are!
Looking at the monkeys
 Look at this face! He was looking at Kailee with her ice cream, very jealous
 But then he remembered he could not eat it and cheered up. 

A visit with Granny Andy today which meant music time of course.
 Waving us off, think he would have been happy to stay and play music

 But his parents dragged him to the boardwalk for a Blakey's dinner.  Here he is waving at the waitress as he is pretty much a regular now.

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