Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Black Lives Matter

If you asked me what it took a few weeks ago to keep Covoid from being the headline of the news, I would have thought nothing except possibly the outbreak of World War 3.  I was wrong.  Now every day the headlines are all about the protests throughout the world triggered by the murder of George Floyd.  I am, of course, horrified that this happened but I am happy that the world has responded, loudly.  It is not the first time we have heard or seen accounts similar to this and I can only hope this has set off a course of protests that will help ensure it is the last.  The systematic racism that is endured by black people in the US and throughout the world is sickening.  I would never say that these murders shock me more as a mother, that would be insulting and unfair.  However, I can say as a mother and a wife, I cannot even imagine having the constant worry about the safety of my son or husband at the hands of the people meant to be protecting them solely because of the colour of their skin.  The safety conversations I will have with Sebastian as he becomes a young man will largely be about driving a car and not about how to navigate through life being targeted (and not only by police) because of his skin colour.  I cannot even imagine how frightening this must be. 
I hope to see this in the headlines for a long time to come and I hope that this time, finally, something changes.  

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