Well, yesterday I had a full-on meltdown when I saw that Phuket airport was closed until at least the end of June. I just miss Lola and our home so much and cannot believe I will not see her for months and Thailand possibly ever again. I am sure being overtired, the loss of Aunty Jillian, the worry about our upcoming future did not help but I cried like I have not cried in a long long time. We were invited to go visit Robert and Rosette in the afternoon and I can tell you it took every ounce of politeness I have in me not to cancel at the last minute. And I am so happy I did not. What started off to be a horrible day turned out to be a brilliant one. I think it was possibly the best day of Sebastian's life. They have chickens, horses, dogs, a bunny rabbit, a parrot, he was so excited. He clapped the entire time (new trick) and then took his first few steps (wobbly but still steps!). It was just such a nice day and made me really appreciate all the things we do have.
Luis showing Sebastian the horses.
Andrew who is apparently ready to have one as well!
I need a better photo of Frankie. The sweetest dog that looks exactly like an Ewok.
The chickens
He was so happy
And the bunny was pretty amazing!
Clapping all the time now.
I woke up feeling a little more positive but it comes in waves. We will just take as it comes, like everyone else I suppose. But we all had a great day yesterday.
Luis showing Sebastian the horses.
Andrew who is apparently ready to have one as well!
I need a better photo of Frankie. The sweetest dog that looks exactly like an Ewok.
The chickens
He was so happy
And the bunny was pretty amazing!
Clapping all the time now.
I woke up feeling a little more positive but it comes in waves. We will just take as it comes, like everyone else I suppose. But we all had a great day yesterday.
Great pictures. Sebastian is such a happy chappie! It's great you have a young one to help you smile/laugh with you during these sad times.