Thursday, 21 May 2020

Farewell Aunty Jillian

Yesterday we celebrated Aunty Jillian's life with close family.  Due to the virus the funeral had to be small, which was sad for many who would have loved to have been there.  She touched so many lives it would have been a packed out house.    But actually, I think Auntie Jillian would have preferred a smaller one anyway.  And it was lovely and a very nice send-off to a wonderful woman.

 Everyone spoke so well.  The girls wrote a beautiful tribute of memories, Craig's Eulogy was fabulous and Natalie read a very fitting poem.  I also read a tribute on behalf of Aunty Janice who could not be there and it was lovely.  At the cemetery Aunty Andy performed a song which was brilliant (I wish I had pictures but was filming it).
 We went back to ONe Acre to share some memories on the veranda which was lovely.

Sebastian showing off his throwing skills.
We will all miss her so much but she will one through all the lovely memories and traditions she has left us with.

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