Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Jodi, Dylan and all the Kids

We were super sad this week that Jessica and Jimmy's flight got cancelled and we never got to see them (in fact I pretty much cried all day when I found out!).  It means we have had a bit of a smaller Ecua reunion but a fabulous one nonetheless.  Jodi, Dylan, and River came to Phuket to visit the first time three years ago this exact week.  Three years on and how things have changed with two new members of the Ecua family, Isla and the youngest one to date, Sebastian.
 All the kiddies.  Jodi was so lovely as she cried with happiness upon meeting Sebastian, it was so sweet!

 Another big difference three years onwards is sunshine, their first visit it rained the entire time.

 Last night they came over for food and a swim.  I put Sebastian to rest in out room where I could see him from outside and Lola literally stood guard.  It was so sweet!!
Dylan's cousin is also with them, and she is a lot of fun so think we have a couple great days a head of us.

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